On long car journeys with the kids, we used to play a game: which is the odd one out, an apple, an orange, or a banana?
The answer is obvious: a banana, of course.
The reason? It has “a” in front of it, where the others have “an”.
Or is the reason that orange and apple are both spherical, whereas a banana is… banana shaped.
Or perhaps the apple is the odd one out, because you don’t have to peel it to eat it.
Or is the orange the odd one out, because, because…
Because it’s the only one that has a colour named after it?
The same game can be played with any 3 things.
(3, by the way, is a magic number. No time here to explain why)
3 things could be a monkey, a leopard, and an octopus. Or they could be a plate of spaghetti, an articulated lorry, and God.
The weird thing is, you can always do it. The lorry and God are both huge, spaghetti and articulated lorries are both things you might see every day, and spaghetti and God… well for some people, spaghetti is a god.
I can’t remember where I first learned this game, I’m sure it wasn’t my own invention.
I used to assume that everyone knows it. And yet… I’ve never found another person who’s played it.
Making links, finding unexpected similarities… that’s creativity. Discovering things nobody’s thought of before.
Now you do it: monkey, leopard, octopus.
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Love ya!
Dxx 🗿
Great game, thank you! I'll experiment on my nieces tomorrow :))
Also thank you for something that might make you hmph a little bit and think isn't a good thing to be thanking you for, but thank you for keeping your newsletter short, but still meaningful.
That's a great skill and encourages me to open your email knowing that it won't take up 6 hours of my life, while also knowing that it might stick with me for a long time. Thank you for your concision and singularity!
(A lesson I could learn for my own writing!)
Have a great winterlude!